God is reminding us today!

God is reminding us today!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Move! ... the Simplest Solution!

All that it takes is for us to strive to manage
even when things are difficult.
We are dead in sin and yet God comes to heal us ...
We are impatient, yet God reaches out to us! 

How would you like to be reminded that the Passion of Jesus Christ is to heal people?
However, how humbly would we recognize that the more God is reaching out to us, 
the more that we weave our way far from Him and even hide away to tolerate our guilt?

@ The Feast with Bro Jon Escoto, our dear Feast Builder,  I've just had a lot of realizations which I'd feel too bothered to just keep to myself. 

Several lines crashed in ... how merciful God is, that in Jeremiah 13:17 He faithfully assures: "I will give you back your health and heal the wound..." 

Vulnerable as we are, we tend to take care of the "hurts" which hinder us from enjoying our body as the TEMPLE of GOD. The more God intends to clean us up, the more that we allow ourselves to create clutters and the more that we give-in to our cravings, justifying that it's never really easy to change those habits which are already hard to break.

Sometimes we need to be reminded that "life is too short" to keep us MOVING just before it really ends. It's a natural tendency to complicate solutions when we are already pressed with time; but we thank God for this day that we are made to discover that The Simplest Solutions are the Healthiest Solutions! 

We only need to discover the secret of the fountain of youth: this so called "telomerase" which all of us have in our bodies -- an enzyme that re-forms chromosome ends and prevents the shortening that usually limits the number of replications.  

Simple Solutions? ... Bro Jon says that we make simple things complicated but as simple as things are, these three [3] Steps will increase "telomerase" in our body and the secret to increase health:

      Step 1:  Breathe 
      Step 2:  Exercise
      Step 3:  Sleep

A lot of people are sick of many things and because they don't breathe properly. 
Others are sick because they tend to do lazy breathing ...."hihinga na lang, tamad pa!"
The air in our body costs us nothing but it can heal us.

     There are Types of Breathing:
          1.  Upper chest breathing
          2.  Middle chest breathing
          3.  Abdominal breathing/diaphragm breathing.  
               How the "baby breathes" is the proper way :) 

What "real" breathing can do for you? Here are only some: 
1. You increase your blood & lymph circulation
2.  You detoxify your body
3.  You relax yourself
4.  You gain steady energy throughout the day
5.  You have great positive moods(s) 

Best thing to start our day? We can do this Prayer Exercise during our Quiet Time with God.  This works best with Instrumental background music: 
     Inhale God's love; exhale mans stress
     Inhale God's power; exhale all fears
     Inhale God's overwhelming presence; exhale hatred
     Inhale God's healing; exhale sin and unforgiveness. 

Then, as Bro Jon jokes about, "Ano ang ginagawa mo pag wala kang ginagawa?" 
We should EXERCISE -- do Physical Exercise!!
We have to take note that we need 10 thousand steps of walking a day, for us to be able to exercise properly!  If we don't exercise, our joints and muscles become stiff -- and this is not actually a sign of aging! It aches because we are not using it properly. What we don't use, we lose! 1.5 % of our muscles break down because we don't use it capably. 

This bothers me: Our heart should normally beat at a required rate per minute as per studies; yet, because we don't exercise, we don't live up the rate we should -- and yes, it makes our body complain! 

We may consider these added research on its benefits if we don't really want to endure our own complaints:
1.  Exercise reduces our stress
2.  ... boosts  "happy chemicals"
3.  ... improves self-confidence
4.  ... alleviates anxiety
5.  ... increases "brain power"
6.  ... sharpens memory
7.  ... inspire others. 

Sleep is not just down time.  When we sleep, our body actually works hard.  It is hard work -- for during sleep, the brain is creating memories and insights.  The body is recuperating & re-calibrating. When we sleep our body gathers hormones which fight diseases. 

This has been the habitual thing I normally deprive myself of, specially when I have long list of "things -to-do". But today, I just had to give myself some sort of reproaching while I can feel that Bro Jon's message strikes through me.  

And so yes, these Tips, I'll really have to take into account to give myself that BEST SLEEP ever: 
1.  Stick to a sleep schedule
2.  Sleep before midnight
3.  Avoid taking drinks with stimulants like coffee
4.  Don't eat large meals and meat at night specially after 8pm
5.  Avoid technology in your room
6.  No lights should be turned on while you sleep; the blacker it is, its better to the body
    The hormone called melatonin is not released if there is light in your eye lids which should          supposedly work with our biological clock by telling our brain when it is time to sleep. 

What struck me? When Bro Jon emphasized that: "the lack of proper sleep is the devil's way to keep us far from God!" The worries, guilt...pains and hurts of the past -- even of the day, which linger in our memory and which keep us awake because we still want to accomplish more, should all be lifted up to God by meditating and speaking with our Shepherd and enjoying our ACT of FAITH as we entrust NEW MORNINGS to God. 

Summing it up, no one will ever decide to MOVE ON with these healthy solutions than US. God has given us so much gift, the only part we should take is GRAB! -- then soon, prove our difference as God's Biggest Winner. :)

Credits to the following links for my added research: 

My Insights & Reflections
The Biggest Winner Series @ The Feast Binan Central Mall
Talk 3. Move...The Simplest Solutions are the Healthiest Solutions
26 May 2013

"True Character is who you are and what you do -- even when no one is watching you!"

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